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"Hope is the tree with ribbons
that grows here in this park
and shares some light with all our words
when times grow very dark"

- (after Emily Dickinson)


In May 2022, The Art Garden invited community members of all ages to create ribbons of hope which were then tied onto a tree

in Shelburne Falls.



Prompts included:


What nurtures your spirit and gives you hope?


Share a sweet memory or moment of beauty.


What do you love?


Share an idea or action that might help heal our world.


We are grateful to the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts and the following Local Cultural Councils for their support of this work:


Ashfield, Buckland, Charlemont/Hawley, Colrain, Conway, Heath, Rowe, and Shelburne!

© 2024, The Art Garden

Phone: (413) 625-2782

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